Week 9

Week 9, was quiet tough and hard, we had a lot of things new to study and review the old lessons.
First we had to learn about the trend of internet and WWW, their uses and importance and WWW application in our daily life.

Then we moved on to the Web 2.0 , which is a popular term for advanced Internet Technology and applications including blogs, wikis, RSS and social bookmarking.

Elements of Web 2.0:

Categories are Social Networking, Mashups, Aggregators, which are related to each other.
In social networking we have Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Flickr etc.
The activity that we had to do was to work in pairs and find answers related to Social Netowrking.
In Aggregators we can take as an example Technorati or Digg.
Web 3.0 is about sematic web, personalization, intelligent search and behavioral advertising among other things.
It’s based on Natural language processing, machine-based learning and reasoning, Intelligent applications.